Friday, February 19, 2016

Tiny Spherical Worlds

The point of composite images are to make a different unique picture, that is more interesting and captivates you more. For example would you rather try many different slices of pizza to try, or just one big pizza pie? Okay, maybe some of you would stick with the same pizza, but what I'm trying to say is that diversity is good. Multiple images gives you more to look at and if you have lots of great images, then you have a great piece of artwork. It doesn't always work that way, but for the style of art I'm making it works way better to have lots of images.

The difference between polar and spherical panoramas is the way they look. The spherical panoramas are the ones with the sky on the inside of the tiny world, and the polar panoramas are the ones with the sky on the outside of the world. I've had very many struggles on remembering which is which. Whether the polar panoramas are the images with the sky inside, or the spherical panoramas are the ones with the sky on the inside. I had a moment in class where I completely brain farted and made two polar panoramas to turn in instead of a polar panorama and a spherical panorama. Another difference is how they were made. The spherical panoramas were made by flipping the image upside down.

My finished tiny worlds are very convincing. I feel that way at least. I have done the best job I could playing doctor and making the seams go away in my tiny worlds. What makes them convincing is the overlap that I took in order for them to work perfectly in photoshop. Instead of the 20% overlap that was recommended I did around a 50% overlap. So, my worlds might be a little smaller, but they're more realistic. I also tried very hard to get sky and horizon lines in my pictures. I sometimes forget and the panoramas sometimes come out with trees extending into space. I also think I did a good job keeping my hand steady, for the most part, so you don't see gaps of the floor missing.

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